
Showing posts from June, 2020

3.11 Writing Romance and Why I don't like Fated Mates

I'll be perfectly honest with everyone, I didn't think I was qualified to write this post. I've written romantic subplots in every single one of my novels, I read romance voraciously, I've self-pubbed four romance novels and traditionally published a romantic suspense. But, I still don't think of myself as a 'real romance author' because I don't "live and breathe it enough." When I actually thought about the 'why' I felt unqualified I realized I was perfectly qualified to talk about romance, I was just teetering with imposter-syndrome. So, yes, I've not written 20 something romances yet, but if the goal is 20 novels in a genre before I'm allowed to discuss it, we'll be here too long. There are going to be Freudian slips. And puns. You've been warned. Note: a well researched, well written story may throw all of this on its head. Of course, I am not talking about that story. Why would I feel a need? If you thin...