1.2 The Revision Trap
So I've spent last week in the hospital having my gall bladder removed and all the days in between so high on medication that I dreamed the entire first episode of a bad B grade TV show of a series of novels I can rant about for hours on end. What is the revision trap? I've seen this picked up from a lot of different places, but I'll share the trap that I find myself most often falling into; a desire to publish chapter at a time for an audience but to ensure that each chapter is 'good enough' before throwing it out. This is probably most common from authors like me who learned their craft from fanfic and crowds of short reviews or quick 'update more!' expressions that make you rush a story at first and then bury yourself in a hole about halfway through. The revision trap for me, especially is a moment where after 20,000 words I stop and say 'I need to revise, adjust, change some things before I can continue on.' So the story, at this point, ...