
Showing posts from December, 2019

3.9 Book review: A Ferry of Bones & Gold

It's been a wild, wild year. Survival took a lot out of me and everyone around me so I appreciate the small things right now. Like finding a shiny new series to fall thoroughly in love with. I found this book through a Facebook group recommendation, and since the person who rec'd it had made a few others I particularly enjoyed, I decided to check it out. I would describe it as Gay Urban Fantasy done amazing. Soulbound 1 by Hailey Turner I was a little concerned that this would be a romance novel, but I'll ease anyone's fear- this is an Urban Fantasy novel first with a romance subplot. There's about 20% sexy times to 80% full-octane adventure. These ratios are perfect, in my opinion and really kept me flipping pages all day. I ate the whole thing in one sitting, like a little piggy. The characters are extremely strong and relatable- that is to say, they are well presented and detailed including the dozen or so side characters. I found myself warming and c...