1.7 Avoiding Writing During NaNo

So during November, inevitably there comes a time where I would rather do anything, anything at all, than write another word.

If you've participated in the great conspiracy and secret that is NaNo, you know of what I speak.

My muse alternates between a seductive adonis beckoning me to build him into yet another mind-blowing erotica and Major Payne. He's a sadistic Dom with a whip in my mind and a short attention span. During NaNo, it can be hard to keep him focused; or he's so focused that my fingers blur on the keyboard, my wrist begins to smart and small whimpers escape my lips.

My Muse likes that.

But taking a break here and there is needed (like, I have to shower and eat, you know,) and creative breaks are a necessity.

I find that all the rage from my Muse can sometimes be chanelled into art, or in this case, photomanipulation.

I got all the references for these two from DeviantArt.

I've been playing a lot at getting better with  lighting and I felt an urge to share them. The first piece was just a model and emotional scene I wanted to work on.

This second one could almost be Cehrzad's cover for a third novel. (Gotta finish that second novel first, though)

I'm really proud of both of them (Mostly because I've actually improved a bit since I first started doing photomanipulations a few years back) and while they aren't quite professional level yet, if anyone would like a freebie for a wattpad please let me know. I am happy to make graphics for people less photoshop-happy than me.


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